Welcome to St Albans Early Learning Center

Privacy Policy

In this section, “we”, “us” and “our” are referred to as Stalbans Early Learning.

Privacy of the parents and children is most important to us and we keep it secure for them. This privacy policy includes how Stalbans Early Learning uses, keeps and discloses the personal information of those enrolled with us. We strictly follow the Privacy Act 1998 which is amended by the Australian Privacy Principles. This section also includes how you can apply to amend your data secured with us or complain about our usage of your data. 

In this section, ‘your’ privacy is meant for the privacy of the child enrolled with us. Our privacy policy may change from time to time and we will publish all the changes on our website. We recommend those enrolled with us check the website time and again to ensure your awareness of our current policies regarding privacy. 

Purpose of collecting personal information

Stalbans collects personal information of parents, guardians, carers, children and employees to provide a personalized and trusted experience of learning. It ensures the high quality that we have promised our clients and keeps our whole institution and children safe. Our philosophy includes the nourishment of the body, mind and future of the children and to fulfil this primary goal, it is crucial to know the background and personal information of those who get enrolled with us. We make our clients understand this purpose at the time of collection of data. 

The personal data that is collected includes some basic personal information. It includes birth certificates and other related information about the birth of the child, information related to early education, experiences and learning, current enrollments, employment of parents etc. 

These and other related information will be used for administration, enrollment, billing and providing you with specific information about the organization. We will use your personal information for the purposes mentioned before, other related functions, for those about which you give consent and those permitted by the law. 

As we understand the basic need to ensure the authentication of the source, we also understand your need to ensure the security of your child. You also have the right to get information about our agency for your satisfaction. You can ask for the registration certificates and authentication of our institution which we will be obliged to provide to you. You may want to get access to our documentation and historical records, although some of those being confidential may be refused to be disclosed including information of our former and current employees and attendees). You can also ask about the activities, services and facilities we provide. You can exercise this right by directly asking our Privacy Officer. The details of contact of the Privacy Officer are provided on the website. 

Personal and sensitive information we may ask parents to provide
  • Information about parents and their careers

When you choose an institution where you want to admit your child, the first thing you ensure is that your child will be safe there. Furthermore, you see around the environment and see how they are managing children. This utmost concern of parents is also our foremost concern because we want children to be safe for them to learn. Stalbans Early Learning aims to focus on the children early learning and for this purpose, they need a secure, peaceful and safe environment. To develop such an environment, we need to screen the students who we enrol. For screening purposes, we require personal data and sensitive information. For example, if certain families do not believe in immunizing their children, they are risking the health of other children as well and we cannot enrol such families with us. Hence, we need your personal and sensitive information to provide you with security. Therefore, we collect personal information of parents, guardians and caretakers. We may ask the parents of the children on the waiting list or enrolling with us to provide the following information:





Phone numbers

Email address

Date of birth/birth certificates

Bank account details

Credit/debit card numbers

Tax file number

Photographic identification documents 

Some of the above-mentioned information may seem too sensitive and personal to share, however, we cannot enrol without the above information.

  • Contacts of parents or emergency contacts

In certain events, parents may be out of reach and such event happens often in daycare centres; therefore, we need an emergency contact who is other than the already mentioned guardian. We require parents to provide an additional contact for emergency cases. The additional or emergency contact person must provide information i.e. name, phone number and relation to the child. It may not be much extensive information and we cannot share it with any third party as it is merely for emergency contact. Parents may refuse to provide this information if there is no other trustworthy contact for emergency cases, however, we highly recommend providing one. 

If you are contacted for an emergency purpose and you arrive to get the child, you must show some photographic identification of the exact person mentioned above, if the parents have failed to provide any identification of the face.

  • Information about children

Stalbans Early Learning is a community, not only an institution. To build a community, we need to know those who participate. To provide a secure and safe community for our children and their parents, we need to gather information as any other agency or community does. Apart from gathering information about the parents, we need to know the personal details about the children as well who are going to inhabit this community. For this purpose, we are obliged to collect detailed information about the children who are on the waiting list or enrolled with us. We need this information to develop a conducive environment and to satisfy all the parents. The following information will be collected for the children enrolled with us or on the waiting list.





Phone numbers

Email address

Date of birth/birth certificates

Bank account details

Credit/debit card numbers

Tax file number

Photographic identification documents 

Some sensitive information of students enrolled with us will also be collected for important purposes of handling them. Such sensitive information includes immunization details of children, religious or ethnic identities, and medical and other specific care needed. We may also need children to be screened by our medical officer and prevailing or previous medical histories, related history of medical, medical reports if needed and insurance information (if any).

  • Information about the employees

If you intend to apply for a job at Stalbans Early Learning then we may collect and hold some of your personal information including:

Application of the employment



Contact details

Resume or CV

History of employment

Academic history or copy of certificates

Police records related to you

Medical information

All this information is sensitive and we understand your concerns about using them. However, we are bound by law to attend to the security concerns of the parents who enrol their children with us. We need to know to who we are giving the responsibility of the children. To ensure the security and safety of the children we need to collect the personal information of our employees and we might also want to share it with third parties. Therefore, we sign a contract with all our employees to ensure that they provide us with all the true information and that it can be used by us for several purposes. You can access, alter or complain to us about any misuse of your data.

How do we collect this information?
Personal information

As this is mentioned in our privacy policy, we are obliged to collect this information and you ought to provide us with all this information without which you cannot enrol with us. We collect this information directly from you and on refusal, we refuse to register you with us. We ask for this information in our application or registration forms, our websites, during payment procedures etc. and we collect it via online, email, phone or in-person meetings. 

We may also collect or capture photos or videos of children which can only be used by us with the consent of the guardian. We may capture photos on campus for our advertisement or websites, but can only be used with your consent. Our websites use cookies to access your personal information available on social platforms, and you can either accept or reject them on basis of your interest. 

As we assure no wrong use of your personal information and we are lawfully bound to keep your information secure, in case of your rejection to provide any information, we may deny entertaining you any further. 

Sensitive information

Some of the personal information is sensitive and risky to provide, and we understand it. However, it is sometimes crucial for us to have this information to ensure the well-being of all the children enrolled with us, including your child. Information like health or medical history is one such example and can be risky to provide. However, it is required to be provided otherwise the well-being of all children goes at risk. We ask you directly for this information, however, if you are not willing to provide this then you must inform us beforehand. 

Holding and storing sensitive information

We are responsible for storing the information that we collect and we always inform you where we share and store the data. We can store your information on the servers of our system and can provide then to the third parties working with us. All these servers maintain high-level security and all the sensitive information especially medical records are kept confidential.

Notification of the data breaches

If any breach of the data happens, the institution is obliged to inform you and the Information Commissioner per the Privacy Act.


Stalbans promises to keep your information secure and only discloses it for the uses it was collected for. It can also be used for related secondary uses. Other than the previously mentioned uses, your personal information can only be used with your consent. In addition to these, personal or sensitive information can only be disclosed to third parties who are a partner or provide us services for the institution. We may also, by law, disclose your sensitive information to third parties like child protection agencies, family or community services or health authorities if needed. 

Procedures to correct, complain or access information stored with us

Our Privacy Officer is always available for any query. If you want to access your information stored with us to alter or amend it, you can contact the privacy officer for these purposes. No other employee can get you to access your personal information. There is some circumstance, however, where you can be denied access to your information. Such instances may include events in which providing your information may disclose or have an effect on the information of some other clients. 

Your information can be corrected if you feel there is any wrong input in your data. You just need to contact our Privacy Officer for this purpose. In any other incident where you feel that your personal information is breached or misused, you can immediately tell us and we will take the reasonable steps required. If you feel that we are deceiving you or not responding responsibly then you can directly complain against us to the Information Commissioner of the Country. The pattern of application that you need to submit to the commissioner is also given below for your convenience. 

Write to
Director of Compliance

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner



Permission and right to get the personal information of children

It is the right of the guardian and parent to make decisions related to the private and sensitive information of their children. We respect all the rights and consent of parents regarding their children. We inform parents thoroughly about all the usages of the information, specifically ask for their consent and use their consent as the child’s consent towards the use of their information. Children, later on, will have no right to address this permission as a violation because we are considering these permissions of yours are theirs.

Stalbans Early Learning has conducted a detailed review of the laws covering all their legal rights and duties and we try to abide by all the laws. 

Terms and conditions regarding use of the website

If you want to browse this website any further, you need to understand that we are bound by the laws as mentioned in the Privacy Policy. Your browsing any further from this point will be unsaid in compliance with all our privacy policies of ours. Our relationship will now be governed by those laws and rights. If you do not agree with or disregard any single point of those policies, you are advised to divert yourself from the website. 

In this section, all the terms including “we”, “us” and “our” refers to the owner of the website named, Stalbans Early Learning. On the other hand, the term “you” refers to the customer or user of the website. 

You must also go through the Privacy Policies to understand our terms; moreover, the use of our website is subjected to the following terms and conditions. If you do not comply with these then you may not be entertained with our services.

  • All the content mentioned in this section or page is for the general understanding and use of the website only. We can alter these terms without any notice, hence you must keep yourself updated. 
  • This website uses cookies for better browsing. You may accept these cookies or can reject them, however, you may need to consult the Privacy Policies and statement for further information.
  • The information and materials found on this website are not subjected to any assurance of timeliness, accuracy, performance, completeness or suitability by us or by any third party involved. You must acknowledge the fact and remember while using the website that all the information provided on the website may have inaccuracies or certain errors. We openly accept the drawbacks and free ourselves of any liability for such errors completely by the law. 
  • You must know and accept the risk of using any information provided on this website and the fact that we are not liable for any risk involved. You must only be responsible for using any products, services or information provided through this website to meet your needs.
  • We completely own the copyrights of this website and all the material available here. We own the license of all these materials. Everything posted on this website includes text, images, designs, graphics and appearances; however, it is not restricted to this only. Any reproduction or usage of this data must be approved by us beforehand. 
  • Any of the trademarks that are being used on this website but are not our property of ours or licensed by the operator are acknowledged on the website already. 
  • If anyone uses this website without authorization, they can be liable for causing damages or committing a criminal offence. 
  • We may add, alter or delete the links given on this website from time to time. These links are added for your convenience of usage of the website. This does not mean that we make or own those links; hence, we do not own any responsibility for the content on those linked websites. 
  • If the use of this website results in any kind of dispute or constraint, then it is only subjected to the laws of New South Wales, Australia. We will not be liable, in any such case, to resolve or be involved in any dispute.