Welcome to St Albans Early Learning Center


Related to enrollment
and admissions

Related to enrollment
and admissions

It depends on vacancies if available. You will have to fill out the online registration form which will get you in touch with a team member who will appoint you a time for the visit. However, you will have to have two orientations with your child.

We understand the need to visit the Day Care before admitting the child and knowing about the environment your child is going to be in. therefore we have made it easy for parents to visit before they register. You can contact the director of the branch easily through the contacts given on the website to arrange a visit.

Yes, we understand the excitement and concern of parents regarding their child’s education and learning. You can join the wish list even if the baby is not born yet, it is a way to encourage parents to consider help in their child’s learning.

It is appreciated to call often and inform us if you change your plans so we can keep or remove you from the waiting list and admit those who are interested. 

You need to fill out the online application form registration to secure enrollment. Our team member will send you an email in reply to which you will have to provide us with the following documentation.

Copy of Birth certificate

Copy of Driver’s license

Online child enrollment application form

Other specific documentation in case of sole parent

Current certificates of immunization

You will be provided with 48 to 72 hours to accept a position and secure it for your child, after that the position will be given to another parent and you will have to join the waiting list again.

We recommend parents to book for a minimum of two days and most preferably consecutive days.

Yes, we are open throughout the year.

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Related to Childcare Subsidy

For any information regarding the subsidy of childcare, you can contact
Related to immunizations

Yes, it is compulsory and a requirement by the Government that all parents provide the history of their child’s immunization and without it, no child can be admitted. 

You can easily download the history of your child’s immunization from Medicare through your MyGov account.

You must update the Australian Immunization Register and get a certificate from them to enrol here.

Related to Fee

The fee structure depends on the class or room you enrol your child in.

It covers the facilities of nappies, wipes, creams and formulas, bottles, linens, sunscreens, all diets included in the menus, snacks and meals, curriculum books and other learning technologies. 

If any child gets sick, we immediately contact parents or anyone they have provided as guardians. It is strongly recommended that you provide the correct number which immediately responds.

The payments need to be made online in advance.

It will take three weeks after your child has finished the course

Yes, we charge for late collection of the child an additional $20 for every 15 minutes. 

If the child is sick or absent, the fee will be as usually charged.

There will no extra charges for public holidays, however, if a public holiday falls on a normal day, it will be charged like any other day.

The discounts apply to the fees only and only if you have given two weeks’ notice. For further information, you will have to contact the office

Related to current enrollments and other services

Yes, it is funded. All members of our staff have a Bachelor's degree in Education.

The Early Years Learning Framework is the basis of our curriculum.

Incursions are conducted every week and often arrange excursions.

Yes, it is often provided.

We do take in children with allergies, however, those with specific dietary requirements are required to bring their meals. 

To terminate the services you need to provide two weeks’ notice to the director of the centre

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Working Process

How Does We Work

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Must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure